Estimates of the number of magic squares, cubes, ... (hypercubes)
Table of Contents

Introducing the E-number
A simple concept that can be very useful.
Calculate the E-number from the number of magic series.
The E-number for any magic hypercube (square, cube, ...)
A general formula for the E-number of magic hypercubes.
The C-factor for a little more accuracy   Update!
Using new results of Monte Carlo approximations.
Classic magic squares - high order estimates
Did you ever thought that there were so many?
Asymptotic approximation of the number of classic magic squares  (PDF)   New!
Even very high orders can be considered.
Symmetrical and pandiagonal magic squares
In this field there are contradictions and incompatibilities.
Number of multimagic squares
What future solutions can we expect?
Number of magic cubes and hypercubes
Will be available later.

Walter Trump, Nürnberg, Germany, (c) 2005-02-21 (last modified: 2015-01-27)